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Research Tools

These are research resources that I have generated or collected over the years to assist scholars with research, mentorship, and more. Enjoy, proliferate, and never re-invent the wheel. Here is the fine print...the resources that I created were created by a neuroscientist and health psychologist chimera for, well, neuroscientists and health psychologists. Some of the content may be discipline specific. Do not despair! Download, edit, repair, and share. 

Design and The Literature Review

A free tool-kit that can be used to teach about development of experiments in cognition and psychology.

ResearchRabbit is a powerful tool for your lit search process. You can create lit maps, see author networks, and share collections of work. 

Mendeley is a reference manager that allows you to access articles, store articles, and share articles. Using the plug-in, you can auto-generate a references list in Word.

Short video tutorial on using Google Alerts to help you automate part of your literature review process. 

Map the literature using LitMaps to show connected papers, search for related literature, and view citations. 

Elicit is an automation tool for lit reviews, including location of relevant papers. 

Use Connected Papers to investigate how a manuscript is related to other literature. Simply enter the doi and go!

Inciteful hosts two tools: 1) A lit connector that displays the relationship between two papers and 2) a paper discovery tool that will build networks from provided citations

Mentoring Students

I created this timeline that incorporates the steps of the thesis process and roles for the thesis student, chair, and committee members. 

I created this manuscript recipe to be used as a checklist for research trainees in our field to generate drafts of publications or conference abstracts

We love the Society for Neuroscience Conference! See their resources for writing an abstract.

I created this recipe to be used as a checklist for development of a conference talk. 

Science's take on the age-old process of poster creation. 

I created this recipe to be used as a checklist for development of an abstract for submission to a conference.

Writing and Presenting

Finding the Right Journal and the Publication Process

Use Elsevier's journal finder to look at potential journals that have a scope that is similar to your work.

Sherpa Romeo tracks information on publications including access policies and authorship rights. 

Guidelines for authorship are not determined by each individual on the research team. Check out the APA's resources for authorship. 

Sasha Chaitow shares insight to the manuscript life-cycle from the perspective of an editor.

Here are some ideas about how to avoid publications in journals that are predatory.

Clark Library from The University of Portland has collected these resources to advise scholars on choosing a publication outlet. 

Teaching trainees about the publishing process can be facilitated by these APA resources.

Springer's take on the journal finder.

View information about Journal Impact Factors and reputation. 

The APA has provided this resource for the new author. Learn how to prepare your manuscript for publication in a Psychology journal. 

EEG Resources

EEGLAB is a toolbox for Matlab, and is used for processing EEG and other signals. These tutorials remove the mystery from how to get started.

Brainstorm is a imaging toolbox that can be utilized to analyze EEG data.

This is the EEGLAB Wiki page, complete with tutorials, support, and recent news. 

The goal of the PURSUE initiative is to train undergraduates to process electrophysiological data.

Systematic Review and Meta Analyses

The Joanna Briggs Institute has a wealth of resources for those interested in conducting a systematic review. Start with the manual. 

Check out this goldmine of tools for conducting Systematic Reviews.

The Meta-Analysis Learning Information Center (MALIC) has rich resources for conducting systematic reviews and meta analyses.

General and Miscellaneous

Time Management with Google Calendar

Coming Soon!

IRB Checklist 

Coming Soon!

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