Amber Harris Bozer, PhD

Welcome! I am the nerdiest nerd on the scene, and I have a passion for professional development. This page was created for the purpose of sharing resources for the common academic good.
I am an enthusiastic teacher and lifelong learner. I have taught more than 150 undergraduate and graduate STEM courses in Psychological Sciences, Neuroscience, and Biology.
I am a Dolorologist. My Behavioral Neuroscience and Psychophysiology lab investigates pain behaviors and cognition using electrophysiological methods including EEG. Approach-avoidance conflicts are of interest, including for pain and vaccine aversion. We also investigate the effects of using cannabinoids as analgesics. I have a tertiary research interest in the scholarship of teaching and learning, specifically the integration of primary literature into undergraduate neuroscience courses.
I was a research administrator for a number of years, with experience including lab management, breeding colony management, chemical inventory management, service as a Faculty Research Fellow, Director of Faculty and Student Research, and more recently, Director of Scholar Development at a medium-sized institution. I am currently the Department Head of Neuroscience. Less formally, my office is a revolving door for research learning and support.