Pain Research

A learning goals checklist for you to keep in mind as you move through this module. Note: It would be beyond the scope of this course/repository to examine each of the available methods for pain research. For that reason, the materials below comprise a very small sample of techniques and research lab examples.
This NOBA chapter focuses on methods. Although we cannot cover all methods, this is a very nice overview of some of the key methods for psychophysiology and neuroscience research.
This 2-minute feature gives a basic overview of fMRI.
This 2-minute feature gives a basic overview of EEG.
This 2-minute feature gives a basic overview of neuroimaging.
This feature from Science Magazine explores the research of Dr. Ashlee Rowe, as she investigates the utility of scorpion venom for the development of novel therapeutics.
This video by Michigan Medicine describes pain research studies at the Chronic Pain and Fatigue Research Center.
This feature elucidates the research of Dr. David Julius aimed at understanding pain pathways and developing natural pain remedies.