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Additional Materials

Didn't get enough? Me neither. Peruse here on your journey to dip into the science of pain. These are a few of my favorite things...
IASPs "Pain Oral History Project"
This website contains recordings and transcripts that culminate into the Pain Oral History Project, aimed at preserving the history of the development of our field through the lenses of founders.
The Challenge of Pain
This is an excellent introduction to pain by Drs. Melzack and Wall. I love the updated version, but you can't find it online anymore.
Understanding Pain
Another great pain primer by Dr. Fernando Cervero.
The Brain and Pain
This one is more recent- by Dr. Richard Ambron.
The Textbook of Pain
If you need something more descriptive- cheers to a little light reading.
Interviews and Lectures
Articles and Pre-prints
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