Hardware and Wetware

A learning goals checklist for you to keep in mind as you move through this module.
Start getting familiar with how pain works with this interactive video from the genetics learning center at The University of Utah. Also, note the definitions of acute, chronic, and emotional pain.
This is a 90 second video covering some of the fundamentals of pain processing.
Review the pain section of this OpenStax chapter on pain, along with the video on phases of nociceptive pain.
In this Neuroscience Online Chapter by Dr. Nachum Dafny, the principles of pain are covered, including receptors, thresholds, and pain fibers.
Let's get to know the pain pathways by viewing this general overview of ascending pain processing from 2-Minute Neuroscience.
In this Neuroscience Online Chapter (also by Dr. Nachum Dafny), the pain tracts and sources of pain are discussed.
This manuscript by Bushnell, Ceko, and Low (2013), will help you gently dip your toe into the pool of pain in the brain. *Note. You may need to login to your institution's library to gain access to the paper.
This link includes more on the common brain regions associate with pain. I chat a little bit more about the physiology of pain processing in this video.
Seriously, I can't stop. I just love it. Here is another video on pain in the brain, and a really nice description of first and second pain.
What happens when nociceptors in the CNS demonstrate enhanced responsiveness, you ask?
Enjoy this Ted Talk from Dr. Ramachandran- and pay special attention to the phantom limb discussion.
I ate really hot, hot sauce. For science. Learn about capsaicin and watch me suffer a little bit.